1. Ministry of Education, Bagdad-Iraq
Encryption makes a message incomprehensible to the reader and difficult for unauthorized individuals to access. One of the most serious issues we face is the key, which plays a crucial role in secure communication and is critical to the encryption process. To enhance the level of security, the key of any algorithm must be vital, and the secret key used must be a copy of it at both the sending and receiving ends. This type of encryption is known as symmetric encryption and must be secure. In this paper, the key of one of the symmetric encryption techniques, the 3DES Algorithm, will be reconfigured to make the algorithm more secure, faster, and more robust. The results obtained from this paper also have good resistance against brute force attacks, which makes the system more efficient by applying the improved algorithm where the message is encrypted and decrypted faster, making the attacker difficult to hack the encrypted message. The proposed method has been programmed in VisualBaic.Net 2015.
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