Frictionless Energy Generation using Flywheel


Dr. P. Nagasankar 1,Harzathkumar N 1,Dilipkumar K 1,Saranraj. KR 1


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, VelTech HighTech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


Electricity is one of the most significant gifts that science has bestowed upon humanity. It has also become an integral part of modern life such that it is difficult to imagine a world without it. Electricity has numerous applications in our daily lives. Energy is usually produced by non-renewable sources such as petrol, Kerosene and nuclear which unfortunately create pollution. These methods are inconvenient in many ways. Burning of non renewable sources are hazardous to environment as it produces harmful gases. The batteries which are used to produce electricity is also manufactured using harmful substaces. Using high pressure steam and batteries are expensive and hard to maintain. The intention of this project is to producing energy without creating pollution and use it to power light bulbs, cell phones, laptops, and other small appliances. This project is great help to develop our engineering skills while learning about a clean way of generating electricity and satisfying our basic requirement. We are going to use the hard drive,magnet and inductive coil to generate electricity due to which our mobile phone will be charge and followed by ac to dc converter. This is totally clean way of generating energy. As fuel is not a renewable energy source and the prices are increasing day by day. It will not be affordable by a common man after some period. Here no fuel is required to generate electricity, so everybody can afford this method for power generation also it eliminates the emission of CO2 which will reduces the pollution. Conventional methods for generating electricity make use of dynamo and wind turbine, but they have disadvantage that they produce friction and reduces speed which require more efforts For the project to work we need strong electromagnets so we have used Neodymium magnets and also used.


Technoscience Academy


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