A Survey and Comparative Study for Connecting 2D points
Container-title:International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
K Jijith1, Joseph Philumon2
1. M. Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government Engineering College, Idukki, Kerala, India 2. Assistant Professor, , Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government Engineering College, Idukki, Kerala, India
Reconstruction from noisy point sets has many ap-plications in the areas of science and engineering. Research effort in reconstructing shape from noisy point sets. Reconstruction on planar point including shape, surface, curve and manifold recon-struction. Good algorithms are required to create a good shape from a given point set. Better local and global sampling conditions form the base of these algorithms. Reconstruction from noisy point set is not extensively studied and therefore the researchers do not have a successful algorithm. Reconstruction from the stage is begun before many decades and these activities are now being extended for a few days. Extending any older reconstruction algorithms needs a good understanding and comparison of all previous algorithms. This survey is spamming on different reconstruction algorithms, various local sampling conditions, extension of different works and their working conditions and reconstruction implementation from point sets. Survey begins after 1997 and compares various extension works. The sampling condition for all these algorithms contributes significantly to the construction of algorithms, thus different local sampling conditions are investigated. During this study, all algorithms for reconstruction are tabulated and different parameters for these algorithms are compared. This survey is concluding with several promising directions for the future works on reconstruction.
Technoscience Academy
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