Implementation of PSO Algorithm for Detection and Removal of XSS Attack


Bhanwar Lal 1,Irfan Khan 2


1. Research (MTech) Scholar (CSE), Shekhawati Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sikar, Rajasthan, India

2. Assistant Professor (CSE), 1Shekhawati Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sikar, Rajasthan, India


In recent years, managing the security over the web has gained its importance. Use of appropriate security handling techniques help to solve controversies and to extract interesting scenarios based on the content of the web page. Many varieties of vulnerabilities prevail and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability is ranked among the top ten risks found over the web which is a mandatory issue that requires a solution. XSS vulnerability injects malicious code in many ways that rise during the browsing session. Analysis should be made over the web page to identify whether the page is vulnerable or not. A dataset is formulated that contains malicious and benign data. Malicious data are obtained from the XSS archive [source:] which contains the vulnerable XSS web pages and benign data are the web pages that are obtained through queries from the Google search engine. The major constraint is the number of Lines of Code (LOC) present in the web page. Five samples from the dataset were considered and algorithms are applied. About 24 attributes are used by the classifier. The samples vary in terms of content and size. Different optimization techniques are applied and the results are analyzed. Evaluation measures like Detection Rate (DR), False Detection Rate (FDR) and F Score (FS) are calculated based on the Confusion Matrix. The final content obtained after the „XSS Handler phase? that is to be displayed on the browser is tested using black box testing technique and also using XSS and SQL Injection Scanner tool. The tool is capable of identifying promising XSS code available in web pages. Based on the experiments, it was observed that the generation of paths using PPACO achieves better results in terms of DR, FDR and FS than other algorithms.


Technoscience Academy


General Medicine

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