Design And Build a School Facility Damage Reporting Application by Applying The Simple Additive Weighting Algorithm


Harni Kusniyati 1,Muhammad Fadhiil Rachman 1


1. Faculty of Computer Science, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia


There are enough facilities to support teaching and learning activities provided by schools in Indonesia. However, facilities damage can disturb the learning activities at school. To maintain the eligibility of school facilities, it is necessary to report facilities damage by submitting complaint to the school administration staff. However, there is a new problem during the process of the damage reporting, namely slow response to the report that has been submitted by students. Therefore, it is important to have a reporting application that is accessible for both students and school administration staff. It is expected that the school be able to respond to students’ complaints quickly in order to ensure the continuity of learning activities at school. Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) algorithm is able to provide accurate decision by prioritizing based on the criteria for the severity of school facilities damage. The report can be responded immediately by supporting the best report of all school facilities damage reports that is submitted by students through web application, which is selected by SAW algorithm decision.


Technoscience Academy


General Medicine







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