1. PhD Engineering, MSc Physics-Mathematics, Physician. Independent Research Scientist. International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden. Uniscience Global Scientific Member, WYOMING, USA. Harjumaa, Estonia
In a previous study based on series of contributions for Anisotropic Analytic Model (AAA) improvements, several exact/approximated formulations/corrections for wedge filters (WF) photon-dose delivery were presented. Namely, dose delivery correction Omega Factor for 15° WF, Photon Beam Intensity I(z), and Photon Fluence magnitude for 18 Mev for z=15 cm depth-dose. Based on all these algorithms/software, 3D comparative-simulations results with Matlab are developed for AAA model 18 Mev photon-beam, but at superficial depth-dose z=5 cm. The 15° WF corrected AAA photon Beam Intensity I(z) magnitude modification, Standard 18 Mev Fluence and geometrical Omega Factor are implemented. Scatter radiation, tissue inhomogeneities, and contaminating electrons correction are not applied. The calculations with AAA model formulas for these parameters are developed/improved. Findings comprise a number of 3D graphics with 3D Graphical Optimization, and a series of numerical data for AAA WF photon-dose delivery at depth-dose z=15. Results for 4D Interior Optimization imaging-development-approximations are presented in 3D charts, and compared to 3D Graphical optimization photon-dose at z=15 cm depth. Radiotherapy Medical Physics applications for WF usage photon-dose calculations at superficial depth z=5 cm emerge from all the numerical and graphical outcomes. Clinical radiotherapy applications are obtained from 3D graphical simulation series. Radiation Therapy uses for breast cancer at depth-dose z=5 cm are explained and presented.
Reference101 articles.
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