1. GoI (2019). Draft National Education Policy. New Delhi : Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
2. GoI (2020) National Education Policy 2020. Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. https://www.mhrd.gov.in/ sites/files/nep/NEP_final_English. pdf.
3. GoI (2021) Sarthaq, Part-I & II. New Delhi : Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education.
4. The Gazette of India: Extraordinary (Part III, Sec.4) (2016). UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM) Regulation, 2016. (No. F. 1-100/2016 (MOOCs/e-content) dt. 19th July, 2016) New Delhi.
5. The Gazette of India: Extraordinary (Part III, Sec.4) (2017). UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM) Regulation, 2016. (No. F. 1-100/2016 (MOOCs/e-content) dt. 16th March, 2017) New Delhi.