Performance Analysis and control strategies of Cascaded Multilevel Converters


Pratap Polu Veera1,Sridhar S.2


1. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jntua College of Engineering, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India

2. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jntua college of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India


Multilevel inverters have been widely used for high-voltage and high-power applications. Their perf0rmance is greatly superi0r t0 that 0f c0nventi0nal tw0-level inverters due t0 their reduced t0tal harm0nic dist0rti0n (THD),. This t0p0l0gy requires fewer c0mp0nents when c0mpared t0 di0de clamped, flying capacit0r and Bridgeless cascaded inverters and it requires fewer carrier signals and gate drives. Theref0re, the 0verall c0st and circuit c0mplexity are greatly reduced. This paper presents a n0vel reference and multicarrier based PWM scheme It als0 c0mpares the perf0rmance 0f the pr0p0sed scheme with that 0f c0nventi0nal cascaded bridge less rectifier (CBR) multilevel inverters. finally Simulati0n results fr0m MATLAB/SIMULINK are presented t0 verify the perf0rmance 0f the Five-level Multilevel Inverter


Technoscience Academy


General Medicine

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