Preliminary Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Evaluation of Stems of Mimosa hamata (Willd)


N. I Khan1,B. C. Hatapakki2


1. Department of Pharmacology, Sahyadri College of Pharmacy, Methwade, Maharashtra, India

2. Department of Pharmacognosy, P. S. P. S.'s Indira Institute of Pharmacy, Sadavali (Devrukh), Maharashtra, India


<strong>Objective</strong><br /> The aim of the present study is to investigate the pharmacognostic and phytochemical investigation of the<em> Mimosa hamata </em>(Willd.) is a flowering shrub of Mimosaceae family which is used in various traditional medicines to cure various diseases. <em>Mimosa hamata (</em>Willd.) and <em>Mimosa pudica </em>are also known as Touch-me-not plant. A wide range of chemical compounds including 4-ethyl-gallic acid; triterpinicsaponin A, B; ethylgallate; mimonoside A, B, C; etc have been isolated from this plant. <br /><strong>Methods</strong><br /> Morphological and microscopic characters, powder analysis, and extractive values of ethanolic extract of stem of <em>Mimosa hamata </em>and qualitative estimation of phytochemicals were determined. The pharmacognostical parameters such as total ash value, acid insoluble ash value and water soluble ash value, alcohol soluble extractive and water soluble extractive were also determined. <br /><strong>Results</strong><br /> The results of pharmacognostic analysis of stem of <em>Mimosa hamata</em> (Willd) have revealed the total ash 8.5 % , water soluble ash 0.5 %, water insoluble ash 1.5%, Moisture content 2.5 %, alcohol soluble extractive value 14.29 % and water soluble extractive value 9.75%. The preliminary phytochemical analysis of stem of showed the presence of flavonoids, carbohydrates, tannins etc.<br /><strong>Conclusions<br /></strong>It signifies that results revealed the presence of various bioactive constituents which could be exploited for their biopotential for medicinal purposes.


Technoscience Academy


General Medicine

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