1. Psychologist and Professor of Geology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India
Usually, anger is a normal, healthy human emotion. Anger, impairs one's ability to process information and to exert cognitive control over their behavior. The response was taken from 2743 students (male:1589) and female (1154) Government schools of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. The students were asked to respond for a question “Are you getting anger frequently/sometimes/ never. Statistical tools were used to analyze the data. Under high degree anger the recorded highest percentage was 38.83 for males (SJRR school) and 28.64 for females (SK school). In the case of low degree the percentages are 18.75 and 18.06. The study found that there is a significant difference between the degree of anger and gender, i.e., high percent of males had high degree, compared to female. As the anger has Influence on health and career, parents shall arrange the counseling for their children to manage the anger.
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