Semi-Classical Quantum Generalization of the London Equations and the Monopole Hypothesis


Aliev I.N.1,Samedova Z.A.1,Lyatifov R.E.1


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


The paper considers the London equation semi-classical generalization leading to a connection between the Cooper pairs magnetic flux quantization and the electric charge discreteness. Using the Bohr --- Sommerfeld quantization rule, a derivation of the magnetic flux quantization was made on the basis of the fluxoid uniqueness. The resulting quantization was applied to the magnetic monopoles hypothesis proposed by Dirac, which remains relevant due to the asymmetry present in the modern physics in describing electrical and magnetic properties of matter. On a fairly simple model of the possible experiment, an option of registering a monopole by a jump in the magnetic induction flux and the associated alteration in the circuit current were studied. The paper analyzed the problems of the monopole different measurement units and the results similar to those obtained on the basis of the Schwinger series of works, where he proceeded from considering introduction of a hypothetical particle with the electric and magnetic charges, i.e., the dyon. Possible explanation of the Abrikosov vortex is presented, it is based on vortex representation in the form of a magnetized thin thread through the magnetic tubes, at the ends of which monopoles of different charges (dipole) are positioned. Unlike most the works devoted to this problem, calculations were performed in the SI system. The monopole quantization conditions were derived


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,General Mathematics,General Chemistry,General Computer Science

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