Analysis of operation of the low-amplitude pressure pulse detonation generator with adjustable duration


Andreev S.G.1


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


The paper presents results of the analysis conducted on the action of the low-amplitude pressure pulse detonation generator with adjustable duration, where the detonation wave affects the controlled compressible medium and propagates in the direction from the medium subjected to the shock wave compression. Analytical expressions are provided for a simple model of the process under study to calculate the pressure pulse amplitude-time characteristics on the compressible medium with the charge detonation product plane-symmetric flow and the compressible inert medium. The paper considers a scheme of experimental (laboratory) assembly. In its cylindrical channel, the detonation product quasi-one-dimensional effect on the controlled environment is realized. Results of registering dynamics of pressure alterations in the controlled environment were obtained. When comparing calculation and experiment results, the reasons causing their discrepancy were identified. If the assembly body is made of steel not subjected to heat treatment, then it becomes possible to use it five times (at least) with charges of the bulk explosives based on the hexogen with generating controlled pressure pulses of several kilobars in the condensed organic materials with duration of at least tens of microseconds. In this case, the pressure rise time at the pulse leading edge reaches approximately ten microseconds.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Medicine

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