1. Samara State Technical University
A new closed solution to the uncoupled non-axisymmetric problem of thermoelectroelasticity was constructed for a long hollow piezo-ceramic cylinder for the case of non-stationary temperature alteration on its inner surface, taking into account the convective heat transfer between the outer surface and the environment. Cylindrical surfaces were electroded and connected to a measurement device with large input resistance (idle mode), while the internal surface was grounded. The Fourier—Kirchhoff non-stationary heat conduction equation was considered without taking into account the influence of alteration in the body dimensions and the electric field on the temperature field. The closed solution to the heat conduction problem was constructed by the finite integral transformations (FIT) method. The quasi-static coupled electroelasticity problem at a certain temperature field was solved without taking into account the cylinder inertial properties by the FIT method. The calculated relations obtained made it possible to determine the temperature field, the stress-strain state, as well as the electric field in the long piezo-ceramic cylinder under non-stationary non-axisymmetric action in the form of a function of the temperature alteration. Numerical analysis of the results made it possible to determine the cylinder wall thickness and the region of the temperature effect alteration, where deformation could most efficiently transform into the electrical pulse.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
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1 articles.