1. Biderman V.L. Teoriya mekhanicheskikh kolebaniy [Theory of mechanical oscillations]. Moscow, 1980, Vysshaya Shkola Publ., 408 p.
2. Strelkov S.P. Vvedenie v teoriyu kolebaniy [Introduction to the oscillation theory], Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1964, 437 p.
3. Panovko Ya.G., Gubanova I.I. Ustoichivost i kolebaniya uprugikh system [Stability and oscillations of the elastic systems]. 4th ed., rev. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1987, 352 p.
4. Keldysh M.V. Vibratsiya v vozdushnom potoke kryla s podkosami [Vibration in the airflow of a wing with struts]. Trudy TsAGI, iss. 357. Moscow, 1938, 40 p.
5. Grossman E.P., Keldysh M.V., Parkhomovskiy Ya.M. Vibratsiya kryla s ehleronom [Vibration of wing with an aileron]. Trudy TsAGI, iss. 337. Moscow, 1937, 98 p.