Review of problematic issues in creation of a multirotor aircraft for Venus exploration


Yatsenko M.Yu.1,Vorontsov V.A.1,Ryzhkov V.V.1


1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


The paper considers problematic issues that could arise in the process of studying design situations when creating a multirotor aircraft, which was first proposed as the technical means in studying the planet Venus as part of the promising Venusian spacecraft. The course of work identified a number of critical situations that should be analyzed already at the early stages of designing and developing the multirotor aircraft being a complex technical system in Venus exploration and taken into account when developing a program for its direct operation on the planet. The summary matrix of problems was compiled for visual presentation of the study results. This matrix reflects the probable problem situations in implementing the experiment scheme in the Venus atmosphere and surface contact study. For this purpose, the multirotor aircraft was decomposed into subsystems, and main stages of its operation were considered in the Venus atmosphere.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Medicine

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