Assessment of the technical and economic efficiency of using additive technologies in manufacture of the spacecraft parts


Borschev Yu.P.1,Sysoev V.K.1


1. Lavochkin Association


The paper presents technical and economic analysis of the effectiveness of using the features and advantages of the additive selective laser melting (SLM) technology in design and manufacture of the spacecraft antenna-feeder systems (AFS) elements using specific examples of the angular waveguides and antennas manufactured at the Lavochkin Association. Main advantages of introducing the SLM technology in comparison with the use of traditional technologies are shown. They include reducing duration and cost of the product development and manufacturing processes; ability to create unique designs with new performance characteristics inaccessible to other technologies; improvement of the weight and size characteristics; increasing the spacecraft active life by improving the AFS reliability. Results of the technical and economic analysis confirm effectiveness and relevance of the SLM technology implementation in conditions of the spacecraft AFS elements small-scale manufacture at the rocket and space industry enterprises.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Medicine

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