1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev — KAI
The paper is devoted to the modification of the previously obtained similarity criterion for electric convection. The criterion depends on the voltage generated at the electrodes, the distance between the electrodes, and the specific electrical resistance of the working medium (liquid hydrocarbon fuel). The modified similarity number includes the temperature difference between the wall and the coolant, as well as the heat transfer coefficient for convection conditions without the use of electric fields. The analysis of the new version of the similarity number of electric convection brings us to the conclusion that the number can be effectively used along with the previously obtained similarity criterion. The paper introduces the results of studies with liquid hydrocarbon fuel TS-1 kerosene under natural and forced convection. Electric convection similarity numbers are compared, new graphs are constructed, and criterion dependences are obtained.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
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