Additional equipment impact on the parameters of the load-bearing structures of tower-like aggregates of the space rocket complexes


Igritsky V.A.1


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Various tower-like aggregates are often used as part of the space rocket system ground equipment, for example, mobile service towers and cable-filling towers. The impact of placing additional equipment on the tower-like aggregates on the mass and the cost of these aggregates were assessed at the early stages of the ground equipment design and development for the space rocket systems. Methods for conducting such assessments are required for reasonable function distribution among the ground equipment aggregates, which is relevant for the newly created space rocket systems, especially those of the super-heavy class. Constant external dimensions of the supporting structures of the aggregates under consideration were considered as an assumption in the work. As a result of analyzing the stress-strain state of the tower-like aggregate rod model, an approximate dependence was obtained to identify the increase in the mass of a truss supporting structure of the tower-like aggregates with additional equipment loaded on them. Besides, dependence of the pile foundation mass typical for the tower-like aggregates of ground equipment on alteration in the mass of such aggregates was analyzed. At the same time, assumptions were accepted on maintaining the foundation transverse dimensions and the soil conditions uniformity. The equivalent pile (support) method shows that when using the tower-like aggregate foundation containing the hanging piles, this foundation mass in the first approximation should increase circa in proportion to the square of the mass of the tower-like aggregate. Similarly, it was demonstrated that the mass of pile-racks foundation should increase approximately in proportion to the mass of the tower-like aggregate. The dependences obtained make it possible in the presence of a minimum amount of the initial data to obtain estimates of alterations in the mass of the tower-like aggregate ground and underground components. An estimate of the corresponding alteration in the tower-like aggregate cost is also provided.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Medicine

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