Numerical simulation of throttling processes in the ramjet engine


Nechiporuk S.Yu.1,Zaripov D.Kh.1


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Aimed at determining the maximum allowable pressure in the combustion chamber causing no flow separation in the air intake device, numerical simulation of the throttling process in a ramjet engine was carried out. Calculations were made in two formulations: with local and global time steps. When comparing results obtained using these approaches, the possibility was found to determine the air intake device throttling characteristics without losing the accuracy at the initial stages of designing the ramjet engines with introduction of the local time step. The non-stationary model created the basis for selecting the optimal integration step to minimize computational resources. The flow pulsations period was evaluated for the event of a surge. These pulsations frequencies were registered in the extremely low frequency range.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Medicine

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