Influence of the pendulum surface plastic deformation on the machine part corrosion resistance


Zaides S.A.1,Ho Minh Quan1


1. Irkutsk National Research Technical University


The paper uses the weight method in corrosion determination to establish technological parameters and modes of the pendulum surface plastic deformation of the hardened parts in regard to the corrosion resistance. The mass index was used to assess corrosion, which source was the sulfuric acid with the 15% concentration. Analysis of the experimental research data showed that corrosion resistance of the hardened parts largely depended on their surfaces roughness. Correlation dependence of the corrosion resistance on roughness was constructed. Based on the multiple regression analysis results, empirical equations were obtained to optimize corrosion resistance of the parts hardened by the pendulum surface plastic deformation. The following optimal modes of the pendulum surface plastic deformation were identified ensuring maximum corrosion resistance of the hardened parts: workpiece rotation frequency — 80…100 min?1; pendulum motion frequency of the working tool — 40...55 strokes/min; radial interference — 0.1 mm; longitudinal feed — 0.07...0.11 mm/rev; working tool rotation angle — 15...20°.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Engineering

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