Calculation and Theoretical Study of Regimes of the Working Medium Flow in a Slide Gate Valve for Technological Lines in the Oil and Gas Industry


Vlasyuk P.E.1,Chernyshev A.V.1,Chinyayev I.R.2,Fominykh A.V.3


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


3. Kurgan State Agricultural Academy by T.S. Maltsev


Slide gate valves are widely used as shut-off and control valves in technological lines of the oil and gas industry. The most important tasks that arise when designing a gate valve include the calculation of the hydraulic characteristics of the working medium flow and the determination of throughput. The article presents an overview of the main methods for calculating the throughput of pipeline fittings, indicates their advantages and drawbacks. It proposes a method for determining the throughput and calculating the hydraulic characteristics of the working medium flow of a high-pressure slide gate valve based on a computational-theoretical study using a modern complex of engineering analysis. A mathematical model of the working medium flow was developed and a numerical calculation performed. The correctness of the operation of the mathematical model was confirmed by comparing the data of computational-theoretical and experimental research. Based on the results of calculations and assessment of their correspondence to the real flow process in the physical prototype of the slide gate valve, conclusions were drawn about the applicability of the mathematical model.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Engineering

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