This contribution aims to provide an overview of current concepts of film literacies in the (English) language classroom in Germany. Against the background of a working definition of film literacies, three central models are being discussed with regards to their general composition, highlighted aspects, and potential blind spots. These models are Blell and Lütge’s (2008) notion of Filmbildung; Blell, Grünewald, Kepser and Surkamp’s (2016b) comprehensive study of film in language education; and Viebrock’s (2016) concept of film literacy in English language teaching. In addition, this contribution also takes into account further contributions to the discourse on film-based language education, with a particular focus on multiliteracies-informed approaches and approaches to cultural learning with films. To conclude this overview, the article highlights central insights gained from the discussion and points to open desiderata in the field.
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG