Chapter 1: 21st Century Physical Education in the United States: Introduction to the Special Issue


Ward Phillip1,Lawson Hal A.2,van der Mars Hans3,Mitchell Murray F.4


1. 1The Ohio State University

2. 2University at Albany, SUNY

3. 3Arizona State University

4. 4University of South Carolina


In this chapter, we examine the system of physical education with a Janus-like perspective. We focus on examining and learning from the past as we anticipate what society, school systems, and the physical education system might look like in the future. Drawing on futuristic scenarios developed for this special journal issue, we ask a timely, pivotal question. What does all of this mean for the future of the field of physical education, including its school programs, teacher education programs, doctoral programs, and salient public policies? The several chapters in this special issue can be viewed as a response to this question—and with a delimited focus on the unique context of the United States. This chapter is structured to provide an overall context for these other contributions. It includes a discussion of relevant theories provided in this special issue and a representative summary of the other articles. Selectivity is apparent and unavoidable in every article, and it can be viewed variously as a strength or limitation.


Human Kinetics


Education,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

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