Delivering Load-Modifying Gait Retraining Interventions via Telehealth in People With Medial Knee Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial


D’Souza Nicole1ORCID,Hutchison Laura1ORCID,Grayson Jane1ORCID,Hiller Claire1ORCID,Kobayashi Sarah123ORCID,Simic Milena1ORCID


1. Sydney School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney Musculoskeletal Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

2. Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Kolling Institute of Medical Research, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

3. School of Allied Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, NSW, Australia


We aimed to investigate the effects of delivering 3 gait retraining interventions (toe-in, toe-out, and placebo gait) on proxy measures of medial knee load (early- and late-stance peak knee adduction moment [KAM], KAM impulse, and varus thrust) in people with knee osteoarthritis, using a hybrid model of face-to-face and telehealth-delivered sessions over 5 months. This was an originally planned 3-arm randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. However, during the 2021 COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown in Sydney, Australia, the study became a pilot randomized controlled trial with the remainder of interventions delivered via telehealth. Nine individuals with symptomatic medial knee osteoarthritis were allocated to receive either a toe-in, toe-out, or posture re-education (placebo) gait retraining intervention. Primary outcomes of early- and late-stance peak KAM, KAM impulse, and varus thrust were assessed at baseline and follow-up. Eight participants returned for their follow-up gait assessment. Participants in both active intervention groups (toe-in and toe-out) achieved foot progression angle changes at follow-up. Overall, knee biomechanics in the placebo group did not change at follow-up. It is possible to achieve biomechanical changes in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis when delivering gait retraining interventions via a hybrid model of face-to-face and telehealth.


Human Kinetics


Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Biophysics







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