Understanding the Nature of Measurement Error When Estimating Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity via Physical Activity Recall


Paul David R.,McGrath Ryan,Vella Chantal A.,Kramer Matthew,Baer David J.,Moshfegh Alanna J.


Background: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey physical activity questionnaire (PAQ) is used to estimate activity energy expenditure (AEE) and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Bias and variance in estimates of AEE and MVPA from the PAQ have not been described, nor the impact of measurement error when utilizing the PAQ to predict biomarkers and categorize individuals.Methods: The PAQ was administered to 385 adults to estimate AEE (AEE:PAQ) and MVPA (MVPA:PAQ), while simultaneously measuring AEE with doubly labeled water (DLW; AEE:DLW) and MVPA with an accelerometer (MVPA:A).Results: Although AEE:PAQ [3.4 (2.2) MJ·d−1] was not significantly different from AEE:DLW [3.6 (1.6) MJ·d−1;P > .14], MVPA:PAQ [36.2 (24.4) min·d−1] was significantly higher than MVPA:A [8.0 (10.4) min·d−1;P < .0001]. AEE:PAQ regressed on AEE:DLW and MVPA:PAQ regressed on MVPA:A yielded not only significant positive relationships but also large residual variances. The relationships between AEE and MVPA, and 10 of the 12 biomarkers were underestimated by the PAQ. When compared with accelerometers, the PAQ overestimated the number of participants who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.Conclusions: Group-level bias in AEE:PAQ was small, but large for MVPA:PAQ. Poor within-participant estimates of AEE:PAQ and MVPA:PAQ lead to attenuated relationships with biomarkers and misclassifications of participants who met or who did not meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.


Human Kinetics


Orthopedics and Sports Medicine








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