Chill Without Thrill: A Crossover Study on Whole-Body Cryotherapy and Postmatch Recovery in High-Level Youth Basketball Players


Pernigoni Marco1ORCID,Perazzetti Andrea2ORCID,Digno Mattia3,Tessitore Antonio2ORCID,Kamandulis Sigitas4ORCID,Conte Daniele2ORCID


1. Department of Coaching Science, Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania

2. Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico,” Rome, Italy

3. Stella Azzurra Basketball Academy, Rome, Italy

4. Institute of Sport Science and Innovations, Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania


Purpose: To assess the effect of whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) on postmatch recovery in basketball. Methods: Using a crossover design, 17 youth male players (age 16.2 [1.2] y, stature 190.5 [9.4] cm, body mass 79.2 [9.6] kg, experience 9.9 [3.9] y) completed 2 simulated matches, followed by WBC (4 min, −75 to − 85 °C) or a placebo intervention (CON). Countermovement-jump height, change-of-direction performance, 10- and 20-m sprint times, heart-rate variability (log-transformed squared root of the mean sum of the squared differences between R-R intervals [Ln-rMSSD]), muscle soreness, and perceived recovery (Perceived Recovery Status Scale [PRS]) were recorded at prematch, postmatch, postrecovery, and 24 hours postmatch. Additionally, Ln-rMSSD was recorded upon awakening on match day and the following morning. Results: Compared with CON, higher PRS values were reported in WBC at prematch and postrecovery (P ≤ .026), while no significant between-interventions differences were found for any other measure (P > .05). Regarding the effect of time, our findings revealed that 20-m sprint times, Ln-rMSSD, and PRS deteriorated in both interventions from prematch to postmatch (ie, acute changes, P ≤ .045), while muscle soreness worsened in WBC only (P ≤ .003). Conversely, countermovement-jump height, change-of-direction, and 10-m sprint performance were unaffected by match play in the acute phase (P > .05), while none of the investigated measures showed impairments at 24 hours postmatch, compared with prematch (P > .05). Conclusions: Overall, these findings suggest that WBC was mostly ineffective for improving postexercise recovery in the investigated sample, with benefits observed for perceived recovery being potentially influenced by the participants’ status at baseline (ie, higher prematch PRS scores in WBC compared with CON).


Human Kinetics







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