Latipah Nurlia,Nova Asvio ,Muhammad Imaduddin
Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to reveal the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on science teaching and learning activities at SMP/MTs. Background Problems: The ability to reflect on the behaviour of students will provide an overview of the ability of prospective teachers to prepare a series of activities, methods or learning models that assist students in getting a pleasant learning experience. Novelty: Observations and reflections use observation and reflection sheets which include the following components: (1) Activities carried out by students in gaining knowledge; (2) the efforts of students to understand the learning material; (3) the activities of students in communicating the results of their thoughts; and (4) reflective thinking skills of students. Research Methods: This research is a type of survey research. The subjects of this study were 21 prospective science teachers who took part in internship 2 at the Tadris IPA study program at IAIN Bengkulu. The design of activities is carried out by providing opportunities for prospective teachers to observe and reflect on learning activities. Which was implemented in several schools in Bengkulu City. Finding/Results: The results of this reflection are given a quality score and categorized under conditions of (1) Very Good; (2) Good; (3) Fairly Good; and (4) Not Good. The results showed that the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on students' learning activities in science subjects was in the very good category. Conclusion: The ability of prospective science teachers who are very good at reflecting on students' learning activities has implications for the ability to prepare good learning activities for students so that later they can provide a fun learning for students.
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