1. JSC “Vilniaus Rentinys”
2. Klaipėda University
In the paper the stress/strain state of a big-span transversal frame has been investigated. The frame has been acted by external loads and also by vertical and horizontal displacements at support joints. The frame has been selected from a real facility, built in Lithuania. Ground around the piles is soft, under piles toe the ground is the dense sand. Vibrated cast-in-place type of piles has been selected. Pressure of the steel pipe into the ground using the vibrator has been applied for installation. Each pile consists of two parts: the upper part is of 600 mm diameter and 2 m length, the last one of 380 mm diameter. After pile mounting the steel shell of the pipe is pulled out. In the paper some results of pile tests and distribution of stress/strain parameters of the frame under-ground and over-ground structural members are presented and analysed.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University