1. School of the Built Environment, The University of Salford, Maxwell Building, Salford, M5 4WT, UK
2. School of the Built Environment, The University of Salford, UK
The number of reported natural disasters has increased steadily over the past century and risen very sharply during the past decade. These bring about the loss of lives, property, employment and damage to the physical infrastructure and the environment. Disaster management efforts aim to reduce or avoid the potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims of disaster, and achieve rapid and effective recovery. While knowledge management can enhance the process of disaster management, there is a perceived gap in information coordination and sharing within the context of disaster management. Identifying key success factors will be an enabler to manage the disasters successfully. In this context, this study aims to identify and map key knowledge success factors for managing disasters successfully through capturing the good practices and lessons learned. The objective of this paper is to present the literature findings on factors which support successful disaster management. Accordingly the identified factors were classified into eight main categories as technological, social, legal, environmental, economic, functional, institutional and political.
Pastaraji amžiu pranešimu apie stichines nelaimes nuolat daugejo, o pastaraji dešimtmeti ypač. Per nelaimes žūsta žmones, prarandama nuosavybe ir darbo vietos, suniokojama fizine infrastruktūra ir aplinka. Valdant nelaimes siekiama sumažinti arba išvengti potencialiu nuostoliu del pavoju, užtikrinti greita ir tinkama pagalba nelaimes aukoms, viska greitai bei efektyviai atkurti. Nors žiniu vadyba nelaimiu valdymo procesui gali padeti, nelaimiu valdymo kontekste pastebima spraga tarp informacijos koordinavimo ir dalijimosi ja. Nustačius pagrindinius sekmes veiksnius, tai leis sekmingai valdyti nelaimes. Šiame kontekste tyrimu siekiama nustatyti ir surūšiuoti pagrindinius žiniu sekmes veiksnius, leidžiančius sekmingai valdyti nelaimes, užfiksuojant geraja patirti ir išmoktas pamokas. Šio darbo tikslas – pateikti literatūros išvadas apie veiksnius, kurie prisideda prie sekmingo nelaimiu valdymo. Nustatyti veiksniai atitinkamai suklasifikuoti i aštuonias pagrindines kategorijas: technologiniai, socialiniai, teisiniai, aplinkos, ekonominiai, funkciniai, instituciniai ir politiniai.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
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56 articles.