1. Kaunas University of Technology
The current paper is aimed at investigating the possibilities of the university curriculum for student organizational
learning. The authors have analysed scholarly literature for the purpose of investigating the concepts of the
formal and hidden curriculum. The paper also contains deep insights into learning objectives and outcomes as well as
the study process and study model for developing organizational learning skills. With reference to the formal and hidden
curriculum analysis method, the article discusses Top 10 Bachelor’s degree Business and Management programmes
(QS World University Rankings) offered at universities in Europe. According to the specified parameters,
the possibilities of developing organizational learning skills are explored. The carried out analysis and the interpretation
of the obtained data reveal that the formal curricula designed by universities still pay insufficient attention to the
development of organizational learning skills that should be treated as horizontal skills required for work at contemporary
organizations. The paper also notes that all examined universities have fairly good opportunities to implement the
hidden curriculum of organizational learning. The opportunities should increase if the formal and hidden curriculum
emphasizing the development of organizational learning should be integrated.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University