
Edalat Kamaladdin1,Vahdatirad Mohammad Javad2,Ghodrat Hadi3,Firouzian Sarah4,Barari Amin2


1. Faculty of Engineering, Science & Research branch of Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Sohngårdsholmsvej 57, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark

3. Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran

4. Department of Civil Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran


The world of underground engineering and construction has acquired a wide‐ranging and high‐level experience on tunnel construction with Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) and nowadays remarkable progresses are traceable in the number of tunnels that are becoming longer, going deeper, and growing larger in diameter and in other words becoming more difficult to realize. Tabriz‐one of the big cities in northern west of Iran has four subway lines which are under construction or investigation. The phase1 design of Tabriz urban railway line 2 (TURL2) has completely been done. Method statement of this line in the length of about 20 km and much interference due to tunneling in urban area dictates the application of TBM. Two kinds of TBM such as EPB (earth pressure balance) and SS (slurry shield) are usually used for urban areas. In this paper, the process of choosing TBM for TURL2 using MCA method (Multi Criteria Analysis) is expressed. Generally in this method some technical, economical and environmental parameters affected the TBM type are identified and taken into account by assigned weights related to the case study. Finally the results show that EPB‐TBM will be more appropriate choice for TURL2 excavation. Santrauka Potemine intinerija ir statyba labai išplito bei igijo aukšto lygmens patirti tuneliu statyboje emus naudoti tuneliu gretimo mašinas (TGM). Šis statybos būdas taikytas statant daug tuneliu, kurie vis ilgeja, gileja ir plateja pagal skersmeni, t. y. statyba realizuojama sunkiau. Tabrize – viename iš didtiausiu šiaures vakaru Irano miestu – yra keturios statomos arba planuojamos statyti metro linijos. Tabrizo miesto geletinkelio 2‐os linijos (TMG2L) pirmoji projektavimo faze yra baigta. Jos ilgis – 20 km, daug jos atkarpu eina po teme. Poteminems atkarpoms pastatyti gali būti naudojamos dvieju tipu TGM. Tai temes slegines pusiausvyros mašina (TSPM) arba suspensijos skydo mašinos (SSM). Šiame straipsnyje nagrinejamas TGM pasirinkimas tarp TSPM ir SSM taikant daugiatiksli sprendimu priemimo metoda (DSPM). Šiam metodui pritaikyti apibretiami tam tikri techniniai, ekonominiai ir aplinkos rodikliai, darantys itaka TGM tipui. Rodikliams priskiriami svoriai. DSPM taikymo rezultatai parode, kad TSPM yra tinkamesne TMG2L kasti.


Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


Strategy and Management,Civil and Structural Engineering







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