
Yuan Jing-Feng1,Skibniewski Mirosław J.2,Li Qiming3,Shan Jin4


1. Department of Construction and Real Estate, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, P. R. China; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

2. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3021, USA

3. Department of Construction Management and Real Estate, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, P. R. China

4. School of Transportation Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, P. R.China


In recent years, China needs far more financing for transportation infrastructure than can be provided by the government alone. Meanwhile the capacity of the Chinese government to provide public services on its own in an effective and efficient way is being questioned and reassessed at various levels. Accordingly, the involvement of private investors in the development of Metropolitan Transportation Systems (MTS) has been promoted by the Chinese public sector by means of adopting the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. However, China's dynamic and complex political, financial, legal and regulatory environment makes the private sector adjust to accommodate the existing regime by way of understanding the driving factors in PPP applications for improving the chances of project success. This paper presents two case studies in China's MTS. Based on a case study and comprehensive literature review, 15 driving factors associated with PPP projects from the perspective of the Chinese public sector have been identified. A structured questionnaire survey targeting the public sector has been conducted to seek, analyze and integrate its perception of the driving factors. Through statistical analysis of the relative significance of each of these driving factors, the writers determined five common major dimensions of the Chinese public sector's purpose in developing PPP schemes, and the key factors that quantify each purpose. The establishment of the measures for these objectives and the key factors that quantify each of these purposes will likely be useful in encouraging private participation in infrastructure management and directing/concentrating efforts of the private sector to deliver quality public services under mutually beneficial long‐term contractual arrangements. Santrauka Pastaruoju metu Kinijai reikia daug daugiau finansavimo transporto infrastruktūrai pletoti, nei gali suteikti vien šalies vyriausybe. Jos galimybes veiksmingai ir efektyviai teikti viešasias paslaugas tiriamos bei vertinamos ivairiais lygiais. Skatinamas privačiu investuotoju itraukimas i metropolijos transporto sistemu (MTS) pletra, taikant viešojo ir privataus bendradarbiavimo modeli. Tačiau Kinijos dinamiška ir kompleksine politine, finansine bei teisine aplinka priverčia privatu sektoriu derintis prie egzistuojančios tvarkos, atsižvelgiant i pagrindinius viešojo ir privataus bendradarbiavimo veiksnius, kurie padidintu projekto sekmes tikimybe. Straipsnyje pateikiami du Kinijos metropolijos transporto sistemu pletros pavyzdžiai. Remiantis nagrinejamais pavyzdžiais ir išsamia literatūros analize, iš Kinijos viešojo sektoriaus poziciju identifikuota 15 pagrindiniu veiksniu, susijusiu su viešojo ir privataus bendradarbiavimo projektais. Buvo atlikta apklausa, orientuota i viešaji sektoriu, išanalizuota, kaip pagrindiniai veiksniai suvokiami ir pritaikomi. Atliekant kiekvieno iš šiu veiksniu santykiniu reikšmingumu statistine analize, buvo apibrežti penki pagrindiniai Kinijos viešojo sektoriaus tikslu aspektai, pletojant viešojo ir privataus bendradarbiavimo schemas, ir pagrindiniai rodikliai, ivertinantys šiuos tikslus skaitine išraiška. Minetu tikslu nustatymas ir pagrindiniu skaitiniu rodikliu ivertinimas galetu būti naudingi, skatinant privatu sektoriu prisideti prie infrastruktūros valdymo, galetu padeti koncentruoti bei nukreipti privataus sektoriaus jegas kokybiškoms viešojo sektoriaus paslaugoms teikti, remiantis abipusiškai naudingomis ilgalaikemis sutartimis.


Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


Strategy and Management,Civil and Structural Engineering

Reference36 articles.

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2. Achieving best value in private finance initiative project procurement







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