1. Act. 1964. Act the Civil Code of April 23,1964, Journal of Laws of 2016, item 380, 585.
2. Act. 1974. Act the Construction Law of October 24, 1974, Journal of Laws of 1974, no 38, item 229, legal provision repealed.
3. Act. 1997. Act on Real Estate Management of August 21, 1997, Journal of Laws of 2016, item 2147.
4. Act. 2003. Act on Planning and Spatial Development of March 27, 2003, Journal of Laws of 2016, item 778, 904, 961, 1250,
5. Act. 2008. Act amending the Act – the Civil Code and some other laws of May 30, 2008, Journal of Laws of 2008, no 116, item