Different Approaches to Coordinate Transformation Parameters Determination of Nonhomogeneous Coordinate Systems


Shults Roman1ORCID,Urazaliev Asset2,Annenkov Andriy1,Nesterenko Olena3,Kucherenko Oksana1,Kim Kateryna3


1. Department of Engineering Geodesy, School of GIS and Land Management, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

2. Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3. Department of GIS and Photogrammetry, School of GIS and Land Management, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine


During reconstruction and restoration of city geodetic networks, there is quite a common problem that is related to the nonhomogeneity of existing geodetic networks. In any city, local authorities operate with their coordinate systems. Such conditions lead to inconsistency between data of different services. There is only one way how to overcome the problem that lies in the creation and deployment of the new common coordinate system for the whole city. But such an approach has a lack connected with the necessity of transformation parameters acquisition for the latest and old coordinate systems. Insofar as old coordinate systems had been created with different accuracy, using various equipment, and measuring technologies, it is not possible to consider them as homogeneous. It means that we cannot use a classical conformal Helmert transformation to link different coordinate systems. In the presented paper were studied the different approaches for transformation parameters acquisition. A case study of the Almaty city coordinate system was researched and compared the following methods: Helmert transformation, bilinear transformation, the second and third-order regression transformation, and the fourth-order conformal polynomial transformation. It was found out that neither of the considered methods maintains the necessary transformation accuracy (>5 cm). That is why the creation of the transformation field using the finite element method (FEM) was suggested. The whole city was divided into triangles using Delaunay triangulation. For each triangle, the transformation parameters were found using affine transformation with the necessary accuracy.


VGTU Technika

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