1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Results of experimental investigation of the influence of values of the angle at which jets join a pressure
pipeline on the non-uniformity of water inflow along the collector-pipeline (CP) are presented. The inner diameter D
of the CP is 11.28 mm, and the diameter d of the nozzles is 4.83 mm, d / D 0.428. Five CPs in which all the
nozzles had been installed at angles , the latter was given the values of: 0 ; 45 ; 90 ; 135 ; 180 , where
investiguated. A CP in which in the initial segment the nozzles had been installed at the angle 0 , and in the
middle and terminal segment 180 has been also investigated. The greatest non-uniformity of the water inflow
along the CP was obtained for CPs with 90 , and the least one for CPs with diffrent values of the angle . The
obtained results give us the reason to conclude that it is possible to adjust the non-uniformity of water inflow into a CP
by means of the method of selection of different values of angle at which the jets join the CP.
Reference7 articles.
1. Kravchuk, A. M. 2004. Hidravlika zminnoi masy napirnykh truboprovodiv tekhnichnykh system: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk.
stupenia dokt. tekhn. nauk: spets. 05.23.16 Hidravlika i inzhenerna hidrolohiia. Kyiv. 35 p.
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