1. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Using biogas instead of fossil fuels decreases pollutants such as solid particles, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides concentrations in the environment. Green energy and development of relevant infrastructure improves air quality considerably. Chemical, physical, biological methods are used for biogas purification. The main difficulties using biological methods are selection of suitable microorganisms’ suspensions and making optimal conditions in photobioreactor. Different origin and structure microalgae suspensions are used applying biological treatment methods. Monoraphidium griffithi, which is widespread in fresh water, has relatively high potential. Microalgae’ cultures absorb the main components of biogas – carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Absorbtion processes are based on photosynthesis. Microalgae absorb specific components of biogas when there are suitable light source and nutrient solvent. The main purposes of the research are to asses emission of biogas using different substrates (chicken manure and wastewater sludge). Also, it was measured main physical and chemical characteristics of both substrates: acidicy, temperature, redox potential, conductivity, biohemical oxygen demand. According results of the research, emission from wastewater sludge is greater than from chicken manure so sludge was chosen in teh next stage of the research. The next stage – asssessment of purification efficienty using Monoraphidium grifftihii suspension. Raw biogas was supplied to photobioreacor (with microalgae suspension). Alterations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulphide concentrations were measured precisely. According to results concentration of methane in the beginning of the researc was 62%, after 35 days – 69%. Meanwhile carbon dioxide – 37% and 31% by analogy. Experimental research alows to assess Monoraphidium griffithi absorption capacity of ballast components. Results were compared to different scientists’ results which were present in scientific journals and publications. Comparative analysis alows to assess practical possibilities to use Monoraphidium griffithi as biological treatment of raw biogas.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Cited by
2 articles.
1. BIODUJŲ VALYMO FOTOBIOABSORBERYJE TAIKANT MONORAPHIDIUM GRIFFITHI MIKRODUMBLIŲ KULTŪRĄ EFEKTYVUMO TYRIMAI;22-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminės konferencijos Aplinkos apsaugos inžinerija straipsnių rinkinys;2020-01-07
2. BIODUJŲ VALYMO EFEKTYVUMO, TAIKANT SKIRTINGAS MIKRODUMBLIŲ SUSPENSIJAS, TYRIMAI;Proceedings of the 21th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“;2018-12-07