1. Department of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT–10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
An appropriate mechanism for supporting design management practices at an early stage of project is crucial in terms of adding value over scope, time and total investment strategic decisions. The clients are not only interested in value for money in relation to the investment in project development but costs associated in operation and maintenance over project life cycle as well. These criteria make possible to evaluate design solutions which can be characterized by quantitative and qualitative criteria which possibly have different weight, dimension and direction of optimization (maximisation or minimization). The purpose of this article – is to compare different designs of building or its structure and to select the best alternative using criteria of optimality. Case study is demonstrated by selecting the best facade system to cover the building. For this purpose four alternatives of building facades are under consideration. Two criteria (out of three) indicate that for the case study the most preferable facade‘s alternative is gas silicate masonry, covered by Rockwool and “Minerit” facade plates. Santrauka Tinkamas sprendimų priėmimo mechanizmas projektuojant pastatą yra labai svarbus priimant strateginius investicijų sprendimus. Klientus yra suinteresuotas ne tik projekto įgyvendinimo kaina, bet ir eksploatavimo išlaidomis. Šio straipsnio tikslas – palyginti skirtingus pastato projektus arba konstrukcijas ir pagal tris optimalumo kriterijus parinkti geriausią alternatyvą. Šie trys kriterijai leidžia įvertinti projektinius sprendinius, kurie gali būti apibūdinami kiekybiniais ir kokybiniais rodikliais, turinčiais skirtingas dimensijas ir optimizavimo kryptį (maksimizavimas arba minimizavimas). Skaitiniame pavyzdyje demonstruojamas geriausios fasado sistemos parinkimas pastatui. Jame svarstomos keturios alternatyvos. Du kriterijai (iš trijų) rodo, kad šiam konkrečiam atvejui tinkamiausias yra fasadas, sumūrytas iš dujų silikato blokelių, aptaisytų ,,Rockwool“ mineraline vata ir ,,Minerit“ fasado plokštėmis.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
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97 articles.