Our Experience of Teaching Cataract Phacoemulsification Skills on the EYESI VR Simulator


Islamov Z. S.1,Maksudova Z. R.2,Matkarimov A. K.2,Tashmatov Z. A.2,Nigmatov B. F.2,Hozhimukhamedov B. B.2


1. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

2. DMC Clinic


In the article the authors present the results of the analysis of training on the VR simulator for the phacoemulsification method. 20 ophthalmologists have been trained. The training consisted of parts: theoretical and practical. The practical part also consisted of 2 groups of exercises. The exercises got harder each time. The trainee is given an unlimited number of attempts to repeat these exercises until he does them perfectly according to the standard. Only in this case, he received the required number of points and moved on to the next stage. The analysis showed that when performing the first group of exercises, there is a large scatter of attempts at the beginning. But as skills were acquired, the number of attempts to earn the necessary scores to pass to the next stage of training decreased. Our analysis once again proves that repetition of one stage of the operation on the simulator helps the trained doctor to achieve the surgical skills necessary for performing the operation according to the standards




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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