Comprehensive use of simulation equipment in teaching students of a medical profile


Galimov O. V.1ORCID,Safin I. N.1,Ziangirov R. A.1,Khanov V. O.1ORCID,Sufiyarov R. S.1


1. Bashkir State Medical University


   To determine the factors that ensure successful and complete implementation of the proposed simulation and tasks, a “boxed” simulator was taken to work out bimanual manipulations and work skills with a needle-holder and Lapsim simulator. A computer simulator allows with a high level of reliability to work out the stages of surgical interventions, use anatomical situations of various levels of complexity, work out orientation skill in two -dimensional space, master the use of a video camera, and getting used to the “lever effect”. Two training groups (16–18 students) performed the proposed simulation exercises and tasks within 2 weeks. For the current academic year, 38 groups passed this course. In general, the successful and complete implementation of the proposed simulation and tasks was carried out mainly by those students who were motivated to study this subject, that is, who chose professional specialization related to surgery.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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