Experience of application of the virtual course “Injections” in the professional training of students of a medical college


Strelnikova E.1ORCID


1. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


The article describes an experiment on introducing virtual technologies into the process of professional training of students at a medical college in the form of the “Injections” course. The purpose of this course is to master the theoretical foundations and sequence of injection procedures, including hand preparation, preparation for manipulation, its execution and completion, disposal of accessories, as well as intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections. There was an increase in the level of development of professional competencies among students who took part in the experiment relative to the initial level, which indicates an increase in the level of knowledge of students who were trained using a virtual simulator and confirms the feasibility of integrating a virtual environment into the training of nurses as a means of developing professional competencies among medical students college.



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