Exophthalmometry Practical Skills Trainer


Bakutkin V. V.1,Bakutkin I. V.1,Zelenov V. A.1


1. LLC “Intemsis”


The simulator for teaching practical exophthalmometry skills is a hardware and software complex. The hardware part is an imitation of the facial part, with the ability to perform exophthalmometry in various clinical conditions. The computer program controls the movement of artificial eyeballs in the simulator, depending on the clinical task. To control the correctness of the practical skills of exophthalmometry, a video recording and subsequent analysis are made by both the student and the teacher. Based on the survey results, a report form is generated, which is saved and can be used for comparison. This technique is based on digital technologies and the use of computer analysis. It is possible to use the hardware and software complex in a remote version with data transmission over the Internet.



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