Applicationof Computer Visionfor Polishing RobotinAutomotive Manufacturing Industries


Besari Adnan Rachmat Anom,Zamri Ruzaidi,Palil Md. Dan Md.,Prabuwono Anton Satria


Polishing is a highly skilled manufacturing process with a lot of constraints and interaction with environment. In general, the purpose of polishing is to get the uniform surface roughness distributed evenly throughout part’s surface. In order to reduce the polishing time and cope with the shortage of skilled workers, robotic polishing technology has been investigated. This paper studies about vision system to measure surface defects that have been characterized to some level of surface roughness. The surface defects data have learned using artificial neural networks to give a decision in order to move the actuator of arm robot. Force and rotation time have chosen as output parameters of artificial neural networks. Results shows that although there is a considerable change in both parameter values acquired from vision data compared to real data, it is still possible to obtain surface defects characterization using vision sensor to a certain limit of accuracy. The overall results of this research would encourage further developments in this area to achieve robust computer vision based surface measurement systems for industrial robotic, especially in polishing process.Keywords: polishing robot, vision sensor, surface defects, and artificial neural networks


EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology







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