1. O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
The countries of the world, in particular Ukraine, face the global problem of degraded territories in the urban structure, in particular, production ones in the process of changing technological eras and the formation of post-industrial relations. For a long time, typical cities of Ukraine were industrial, therefore the appearance of degrading production territories in their structures is quite obvious and requires correction of the functional and planning structure of cities, especially the production component of the economic complex, which needs restoration.
Taking into account world experience and regional features, the study examines the city of Sumy, which has a typical economic complex with a predominant production component. In the article, the author considers the typological features of degraded industrial areas in the urban fabric, which can serve as a basis for making decisions about restoration in modern conditions.
The author distinguishes two main types of degraded production areas in the structure of the city: when the industrial zone is located in the middle of the agricultural zone and when a separate degraded industrial zone is located in the structure of an industrial node, district, zone. The main types are distinguished according to the state of their degradation. Three main existing approaches to restoration of degraded territories are also highlighted.
Therefore, after analyzing the current state of degrading production areas in the structure of a large city, using the example of the city of Sumy, the author notes that the existing problem requires scientifically based solutions for their restoration, and at the legislative level, there are all the necessary prerequisites for the further formation of industrial zones of the city. In turn, the identified typologies can play a decisive role in making further decisions regarding the reconstruction of degrading production areas in the city structure.
Keywords: urbanization, post-industrial society, degradation, industrial areas, restoration, industrial hub.
O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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