Strategic Planning & Industry Sector Enhancing SDGS


Ali Albadri Albaloula


Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the nature of strategic planning (SP) in four selected industry sectors (IS) in regard to the SP-IS relationships, the features and aspects that influence SP in and within one industry as well as with the selected industry sectors.   Design/methodology/approach: A total of 28 related studies were selected from electronic academic resources and databases (e.g., Google scholar, Emerald, and Academia …etc.). The criteria used in selection is based on the easiest and most accessible documents to the researcher by using the title of the study with similar terms and words for the selected industry sectors. Four sectors have been selected: SP in banking, tourism & hospitality, healthcare, and higher education sector. The selected study samples were conducted in different countries of the world. Tables used are divided into columns for summarizing the essential data for each study such as study title, type of industry sector and country, findings, SP components, and its influence on performance. Selected studies have been carefully reviewed and evaluated. The methodology and construct of each study is considered, and the content analysis is used in addition to the researcher’s real-life experiences, as well as the opinions of academic peers were considered.   Findings: The purpose of every examined study for each industry sector was identified and compared with same industry and with other examined industry sectors. The majority of the studies reviewed had similar objectives. The SP and SM concepts are well-known, understood, and used in many industry sectors. The findings show that SP has a favorable influence, and repeated elements and dimensions have been identified. More importantly, all of the evaluated studies have titles that include SP, strategic implementation (SI), or strategic management (SM) either explicitly or implicitly.   Research limitations/implications: The results of the study are related to chosen studies of 4 industry sectors. As such, it is not possible to generalize these findings. The restricted accessibility to the relevant databases, journals, and web resources is another research barrier. Moreover, this kind of study—or one comparable to it—requires a longitudinal research approach. As such, the writer makes every attempt to condense the information that is accessible and comprehensible to him.   Originality/value: This study highlights the SP-IS relationship of four important industry sectors in different countries with varied SP comparative features.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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