Actualities and pragmatic perspectives of total quality management in the automotive knowledge-based organization


TITU Aurel Mihail, ,OPREAN Constantin,POP Alina Bianca,TITU Stefan, , , ,


In the context of sustainable development and continuous improvement, it can be stated that the implementation of an integrated quality management in a modern organization can only be achieved under the conditions of implementing a series of concepts, among which we can mention knowledge management, total quality management, Kaizen management and related standards, quality management strategies and policies but also quality management techniques, methods, and tools. The scientific paper presents an own point of view regarding the pathway for a sustainable implementation of the previously presented concepts in an organization in the automotive field. The aspects identified in a real organization in the automotive industry are presented as well as the way considered to be possible to implement so that the organization can be considered a knowledge-based organization. In this context, the role of management in the organization is extremely important and value analysis becomes a priority. The main objective of the scientific paper is to propose a certain way of managerial thinking so that those interested can apply the quality management strategies and policies proposed for the sustainable implementation of total quality management within an organization based on knowledge in the automotive field.


Academia Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania

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