FORNA Norina, ,AGOP-FORNA Doriana,TOPOLICEANU Claudiu,ROŞOIU Natalia, , ,
The degree of patient damage and the severity of local and loco-regional complications influence the way reconstruction is planned and the stages of implant-prosthetic therapy. Pre-operative analysis of the dimensional parameters of the implant sites (height, width, density) can be performed by means of applications using CBCT images or based on software programs specialized in pre-implant analysis and virtual planning of dental implant positioning. Effective management of complications of partial denture requires interdisciplinary collaboration (implantology, prosthodontics, oral surgery, anesthesia-sedation) both in terms of rehabilitation of loco-regional and local complications, reconstruction of implant sites, implant stage and design of future prosthetic work. The implant-prosthetic treatment plan should focus both on reconstruction of the mucosa-bone support and on ensuring the homeostasis of the stomatognathic system in the context of restoring biomechanical and functional conditions through fixed or removable prosthetic restorations with implant support.
Academia Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania
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