The Evolution and Complications of the Influenza During Covid-19 Pandemic


,IANCU Mihaela Adela,BALTA Daniela Mihaela, ,EREMIA Irina Anca, ,POPOVICI Călin, ,KOZMA Andrei,


Seasonal influenza coupled with COVID-19, infection with the virus SARS-CoV2, represents a dual challenge to the primary care. As well as this, the staff in primary health care, ambulatory centers and hospitals are intensively involved in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of people with the flu during the peak periods of the disease. In Romania, in primary healthcare, the diagnosis is based more on clinical criteria and not always by determining the etiology of the respiratory infection. The use of rapid tests in the diagnosis of respiratory infections has increased in the last year. Given the current increase in cases of both COVID-19 and seasonal influenza, early diagnosis is also of great importance to enable efficient use of healthcare resources in primary care. Patients with influenza and risk factors should be monitored for complications, upper respiratory infections, secondary pneumonia and acute cardio and cerebrovascular events. Additionally, vaccination should be very strong recommended in patients with chronic diseases.


Academia Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania

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