A compact accelerator driven neutron source at the Applied Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Lund University
Container-title:EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation
Short-container-title:EPJ Techn Instrum
Frost R. J. W.ORCID, Elfman M., Fissum K., Kristiansson P., Mauritzson N., Pallon J., Pédehontaa-Hiaa G., Perrey H., Stenström K. E., Sjöland A.
AbstractThe Applied Nuclear Physics Group at Lund University has constructed a CANS (Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source). The CANS is based around a 3 MV, single-ended, Pelletron accelerator, which is used to impinge a 2.8 MeV deuterium beam into a beryllium target. The anticipated neutron production will be on the order of 1010 n/s in 4π sr, with future upgrades expected to increase neutron production to 1011 n/s. Neutron energy will be up to 9 MeV with peak emission at ∼5 MeV. Shielding and moderation will be provided by a large water tank surrounding the target, with exit ports to allow moderated neutrons to be directed to experiments. The thermal-neutron flux at the exit of the extraction ports is anticipated to be up to 106 n/cm2/s. The CANS will be used to forward the activities of the group in the area of neutron-activation analysis, in addition to a broader range of neutron related applications.
Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten Walter Gyllenberg Foundation Lund University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Reference56 articles.
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