Exact cosmological models in metric-affine F(R, T) gravity


Maurya Dinesh ChandraORCID,Myrzakulov Ratbay


AbstractA flat Friedmann–Lematre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) spacetime metric was used to investigate some exact cosmological models in metric-affine F(RT) gravity in this paper. The considered modified Lagrangian function is $$F(R,T)=R+\lambda T$$ F ( R , T ) = R + λ T , where R is the Ricci curvature scalar, T is the torsion scalar for the non-special connection, and $$\lambda $$ λ is a model parameter. We also wrote $$R=R^{(LC)}+u$$ R = R ( L C ) + u and $$T=T^{(W)}+v$$ T = T ( W ) + v , where $$R^{(LC)}$$ R ( L C ) is the Ricci scalar curvature with respect to the Levi–Civita connection and $$T^{(W)}$$ T ( W ) is the torsion scalar with respect to the Weitzenbock connection, and u and v are the functions of scale factor a(t), connection and its derivatives. For the scale factor a(t), we have obtained two exact solutions of modified field equations in two different situations of u and v. Using this scale factor, we have obtained various geometrical parameters to investigate the universe’s cosmological properties. We used Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation to analyze two types of latest datasets: cosmic chronometer (CC) data (Hubble data) points and Pantheon SNe Ia samples, and found the model parameters that fit the observations best at $$1-\sigma $$ 1 - σ , and $$2-\sigma $$ 2 - σ regions. We have performed a comparative and relativistic study of geometrical and cosmological parameters. In model-I, we have found that the effective equation of state (EoS) parameter $$\omega _{eff}$$ ω eff varies in the range $$-1\le \omega _{eff}\le 0$$ - 1 ω eff 0 , while in model-II, it varies as $$-1.0345\le \omega _{eff}\le 0$$ - 1.0345 ω eff 0 . We found that both models are transit phase (moving from slowing down to speeding up) universes with a transition redshift $$z_{t}=0.5874_{-0.0197}^{+0.2130}$$ z t = 0 . 5874 - 0.0197 + 0.2130 and $$z_{t}=0.6865_{-0.0303}^{+0.1719}$$ z t = 0 . 6865 - 0.0303 + 0.1719 .


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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