Realizations and star-product of doubly $$\kappa $$-deformed Yang models


Martinić-Bilać T.,Meljanac S.,Mignemi S.


AbstractThe Yang algebra was proposed a long time ago as a generalization of the Snyder algebra to the case of curved background spacetime. It includes as subalgebras both the Snyder and the de Sitter algebras and can therefore be viewed as a model of noncommutative curved spacetime. A peculiarity with respect to standard models of noncommutative geometry is that it includes translation and Lorentz generators, so that the definition of a Hopf algebra and the physical interpretation of the variables conjugated to the primary ones is not trivial. In this paper we consider the realizations of the Yang algebra and its $$\kappa $$ κ -deformed generalization on an extended phase space and in this way we are able to define a Hopf structure and a twist.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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